Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is URL Redirection and its types?

URL redirection is an extremely useful service aimed at helping users point their domains or subdomains to certain URLs when necessary. This is usually needed in cases when a certain website is no longer available under its original domain name when all users linking to it need to be automatically informed of this update. Thus, the URL redirection functionality helps domain owners preserve the relevance of the incoming links to their websites.

What is URL Redirection?

The URL redirection service is also popular as URL redirect, URL redirecting, URL forwarding, domain redirection and domain forwarding. In all of the cases it refers to one and the same web technique for pointing a web page to another URL of your choice.

Types of URL Redirection.

Depending on the type of URL update you need to make for domains or subdomains of yours, you could take advantage of 4 basic types of URL Redirection:
• Permanent redirection: 301 – this URL redirection is used in cases when the URL for a certain website/web page has been changed for a long-term period. Its main purpose is to automatically redirect any references to the outdated URL of a certain page to its new web address. Through the 301 redirect website owners can preserve the relevance of any existing external links to their store.
• Temporary redirection: 302 – you will need a 302 redirection in cases when a certain URL has been changed to a different address temporarily. The 302 redirect tells anyone trying to access a certain URL that it is temporarily unavailable and automatically send them to a new valid address. With the 302 redirection set, the owner asks users to continue using the new address until modified at a later time.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What is Black Hat SEO>

The term black hat SEO refers to using deceptive or unethical techniques that do not follow the search engine guidelines, in order to get high rankings in search engines. The following methods are generally adopted for black hat SEO purposes.

  • Black Hat SEO Techniques to Avoid
    Hidden Text - Adding unwanted text and making it invisible by setting the same color and background, using tiny fonts, hiding through CSS code such as using "display: none" or putting it in "no script" or "no frame" sections etc.
    Keyword Stuffing - Addition of keywords on calculated places within the body of the page to increase its keyword density, frequency and diversity. This is useful to make a page appear to be more relevant to a web spider for those specific keywords.
    Meta Tag Stuffing - Adding repeated keywords in the meta tags just for the intention of raising its relevancy.
    Doorway Pages - These are generally irrelevant, low in quality, non informative or as to say "fake" pages that are only designed to attract web spiders. A doorway page will generally have "click here to enter" on the page.
    URL Redirection - Taking the visitor to another site without their intention or knowledge. e.g. using JavaScript, server side redirection or HTML redirection using Meta Refresh tags.
    Link Farms- A group of web sites that all hyperlink to every other site in the group.
    Cloaking- It means to serve different contents of a web page to the search-engine spider and to the human visitors.
    Mirror Websites- Hosting multiple websites with almost similar contents but different urls.

One thing to keep in mind that these black hat SEO techniques and tricks may work in most of the cases, but temporarily. These are not worth enough to take the risk. For long terms gain and getting permanent stable position in search engine results, all or everything that seems like black hat SEO should be avoided.

Monday, July 19, 2010

What is SEO & Why SEO is needed for sites.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of making a site show up better in the search engine results pages (SERPs). It consists of two main areas. First is on-site optimization. This consists of all the things you do to optimize your website. This includes things like meta tags, titles, keyword usage in content, header tags, etc. The second area is off-site optimization. Off-site optimization is anything you do out on the rest of the internet like social media and link building.

What is a search engine?

A search engine is a portal on the internet for finding websites that would otherwise be difficult to find. By typing in what’s called a keyword in the search boxes, the search engines filter through millions of sites to locate the most relevant results to what you are searching on.

How do search engines work?

Search engines first “crawl” or “index” sites using what is call robots, or Bots. These robots follow links throughout the web and record information about the site. They then use a complex algorithm that identifies what the page is about. Keywords would then trigger the algorithm to locate and display related websites.

What are keywords?

Keywords are the word or words that a person types into a search engine to bring up results.

What is a keyword phrase?
A keyword phrase is the same as a keywords only with more than one word.

Exactly how does seo work?

SEO works by making website pages relevant to search engines for the most targeted keyword phrases. Once the search engines determine the page of the website is relevant they then rank it in the search results.

Why are SEO services so expensive?

To show up well in search engines takes time and shear man power. There are no short cuts to getting ranked well in search engines. There are tools and methods that make the work easier but these cost money.

Can you guarantee a number #1 position in the search engines?

It is not possible to guarantee a #1 ranking in Google because that ranking is based on what a 3rd party (Google) does. The only thing that can be guaranteed is that all the best SEO practices will be used to help the site attain top rankings.
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